Episode 59 - Lets Talk about Sex, Baby

Episode 59 - YT Thumbnail.png

Fat sex! How does society view fat bodies and how do we view our own fat bodies when it comes to sex and desirability? What impact does that have on the way we relate to others sexually? TW: mention of fatphobic beliefs about fat bodies.

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Fatphobia is not a sexual preference from The Fat Sex Therapist: https://wearyourvoicemag.com/fatphobia-is-not-a-sexual-preference/

Treating My Friends Like Lovers: The Politics of Desirability from Cale Luna: https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/magazine/how-to-be-fat-caleb-luna-sub/

3 Reasons Dating, Attraction, and Desire Are Always Political by Hari Ziyad: https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/04/attraction-desire-political/

Fatphobia Exists – and It's Especially Bad in the Bedroom by Marie Southard Ospina: https://www.vice.com/en/article/8894bx/plus-size-girls-sex-stories-fatphobia


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Email: victoria@fiercefatty.com

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